Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Cons of Youtube

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Even though there were no comment or feedback for my previous post, but it's okay. The other day i posted about the pros of using youtube and today, i will blog about the cons of it.


1. Most of the kids, even adults learn by watching what other people do. Some parents don't even allow their kids to watch television until they're 2 years old. The parents afraid that their kids will learn by all the exposure of sex, violence and any other things they see on TV. Youtube is very exposed, everyone have unlimited access to the internet and Youtube. Even the signing up for Youtube can be faked by putting the year that we were born and all the fakers will have access to video with are violence and only appropriate to those people who are above 18 years old. One of the way that people learn is by watching, Youtube may teach them things that they are not suppose to.

2. Everything you or other people posted a video, it is shared to the world. Everyone who have access to the internet and Youtube, they can view the videos that you have posted. People are freely to give comments and harsh advice to the video unless that the user is block from the comment box.

3. There are some pornography in the website as well. It will be removed, but some of it is still there.

I have posted this blog according to what the majority of the combination of website says about it. From my personal point of view, the pros are over-weighting the cons shows that this site is not a bad site after all, go check it out, it has all the latest videos that you may like. It's worth the watching.



Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Make Life Easier Sites!!

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Hey guys, I know you'll must be wondering what I am talking about and how it is connected to social media sites. Well guys this particular post is going to be of much interest to all the college students out there.

Here is what I mean, I am going to be talking about the social media sites that college students use to make life easier. Now you get what i was talking about?, Lets start with the 1st one, this website helps students solve any kind of problem, studies related of course such as Maths, science and etc. The questions are not answered by just anyone, they are answered by experts of the particular subject, resulting in accurate answers. Don't you think that is just making a student become more lazy?.

Next we have a list of websites that help students in looking for a job or a place to do their internship. Doesn't that sound interesting! these websites are and This website not only helps students find jobs, it also gives them reviews from other students. this one website i must say brings alot of benefits to college students, helping them save time. Photobucket(refference :

The most interesting out of them is, this paricular website is a carpool service whereby a particular college community can add the application and the students can then share carpool information from there, that would be a plus point. The negative side to it is that its not a very safe service for students or outsiders to misuse it. Website of this such is what that leads to kidnapping and rape cases.

This is not much of an issue, however students should very much learn to do things without the help of these shortcuts. The actual issue behind this post, is to tell everyone that these websites exists to make students depend on them. Using these websites once in a while is alrite, but most students get addicted to it that they forget how is it to think and come up with their own solutions.

Do you guys agree with me that there are students out there that have become too dependent on social media sites of such??

Refference : (online) :

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pay To Use Facebook ?!!

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The hot topic for this week, the very loved Facebook.

What is Facebook? It is an online social network of profiles that helps you connect with all the people in your life, whether it is your friend, co-worker, old flame, university get the scenario, Facebook practically let's you connect with anyone that has a Facebook account! That includes celebrities ;)

We all remember the days of Friendster, one of the pioneers of social networking sites before Facebook became the 'IT' thing. Friendster at that time was just perfect, we were able to create a profile, upload pictures and of course write testimonials for our friends.

Then came Facebook to the picture. At first almost everyone (including my stubborn self) who was on the Friendster bug refused to bow down to the new kid in town, Facebook as it seemed to be not very user friendly in the beginning. In a blink of any eye, everyone and everyone turned to Facebook! Facebook was far more interesting, there was the comments and commenting on other people's comments, the tagging of photo's, the like's, status updates, groups and so many more unique features. Facebook also made it convenient to re-connect with lost school or universities mates. Another feature we loved about facebook was the games. Facebook users were spoiled with many games to choose from and many games were interactive games that allowed user to compete with other users and friends from their own list like Farmville, Restaurant City and the one i got so hooked on lately, Sorority Life.

Recently there was a rumour going around Facebook stating that users will have to pay to use Facebook in the coming future! I for one went bonkers with the thought in my head! Imagine if we all had to pay to use Facebook because we all are just a tiny little bit addicted to it! Most Malaysians including myself would scream "Die-lah!" (Not that I am attached to it! =P hehe)

Well it stated that a user will have to pay $14.99, US dollars that is, to continue using Facebook!!

Here is the verdict! According to Telegraph, a United Kingdom newspaper, Facebook has denied claims to start charging users to use Facebook! Phewwwww! What a relive.. However, according to another website, Facebook has begun testing a proprietary payment system for three applications - one of them is Birthday Calender.

I guess it's safe to say that Facebook is still free as for now, but the future is very much uncertain. It is still free for now, so let's make the best out of it! Sorority Life here i come =D

Now let's assume they start charging, how much will you pay to continue using Facebook? If it was 14.99 (malaysian ringgit) a month, i would consider. Would you?

(References : &

Week 1 Poll Results!

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Well, last week we put up our very first poll! And the results are in. We asked our readers this :-

Which social media site do you visit the most? It was a multiple choice question focus only on video media sites with the options answers of YouTube, Metacafe, Ulinkx, Uvouch and Vimeo.

Well the results comes by no surprise, YouTube takes the no1 spot. But here is the shocker, everyone voted for YouTube, as you can see below in our chart.

Week 1 Poll Results

This shows that Youtube has really made it's mark in becoming the most favourite social media sites in terms of videos amongst it's users. YouTube won the hearts of many as it's the most user friendly and convenient social media site. According to a social media statistics website, YouTube drew attention to 91 million viewer's in July 2008 just in the United States only and that equals to 5 billion online video views altogether! Now it's more that understandable why our reader's picked YouTube from the rest.

Before i leave, here are some interesting facts about YouTube.

Most Watched YouTube Video's in 2009

1. Susan Boyle - Britain's Got Talent : 120+ million views
2. David After Dentist : 37+ million views
3. JK Wedding Entrance Dance : 33+ million views
4. New Moon Movie Trailer : 31+ million views
5. Evian Roller Babies : 27+ million views

Most Watched Music Video's in YouTube 2009

1. Pitbull - I Know You Want Me : 82+ million views
2. Miley Cyrus - The Climb : 64+ million views
3. Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA : 54+ million views
4. The Lonely Island - I'm On A Boat : 48+ million views
5. Keri Hilson - Knock You Down : 35+ million views

That should keep you occupied espcially if you are a Miley Cyrus fan! :S

(References : What you watched and searched for on YouTube 2009, http://http// & Social Media Statistics,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pro's of Youtube

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Hey guys, today's post will be about the pros of "Youtube". Youtube is joining a race to get the highest level of viewers to be provide the best services for the public media. I have done a few research in a couple of websites and most of it stated the similar comments about the pros and cons of Youtube.

The Pros
1. Using Youtube is a cheap and easy way to reach the media. Youtube always provide the latest video and they have so many different varieties for the viewers. Not only they can view music videos, they can also view other videos such as celebrity news, documentaries, advertisements and so much more.

2. Another pros that is supported by most of the website i went to was it promotes awareness. Whenever there is anything that is the talk-of-the-town, everyone can find it on Youtube. Surely someone will upload it to share it with the other users. One of the most recent video that i find it very interesting was the opening ceremony of the new tallest building in the world located in Dubai;Burj Khalifa.

3. Encourage learning. Youtube gives an opportunity to those people who cant afford to go classes. Like myself, i love how people are good at playing guitar but i could not afford to go to the classes because it is too expensive and even if i could, i wouldn't have the time to go because i have classes in college. What can i do? i can learn from Youtube. There are so many tutorial about instruments, cooking, singing, dancing and so much more. Just name it, you can find it in there. For people like me out there, i find it really really helpful.

Do u guys think that this is interesting? drop your comments. If u guys love it, my next post will be about the cons of Youtube. Stay tune if u want to know. :)

Chee Keat :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Parent's issue on youtube!

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Hey everyone, today my post is going to be about what our parents think about us using Youtube. As much as it has been said that youtube is popular amongst everyone.... young and old, Youtube is mostly used by youngsters and sometimes missused by them too.

Based on several articles that i have read, parents are most worried about the adult content on Youtube. Youtube however was not created to promoste adult movies or even encourage users to upload them, but there are still people out there who will. Teenagers that aren't aware of consequences would upload unappropriate videos of sometimes themselves or others.

Now, Youtube has done its best to limit those videos to 18 and above and to allow users to flag them as inappropriate. The solution that most of these articles came up with was for the parents to have a casual talk about the negative sides of youtube. Parents should not stop them from using Youtube for there are many educational aspects of it.

Parents should speak to their underaged children of how Youtube should not be used to view adult content and to not lie about their age when registering. So guys, do you'll think that by talking to their children, parents can get them to stop missusing youtube?...

If not what would be the best way for parents to make their children understand about the bad aspects of youtube?.... Looking forward to your views and comments! till then Byee =)

Monday, January 18, 2010


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Hello and welcome to our humble little blog entitled social media buzz! When i said our, i was referring to Asha, Chee Kiat and yours truely Preya. This blog is actually a part of our assignment, for us, Mass Communication students from Inti College Subang Jaya. In the coming 10 weeks, each of us will take turns tackling issues regarding social media sites! =D

For those of you pondering on what social media sites are, well, easy, they are actually sites that allows users to create and exchange any sort of media content, hence the word social media sites. This ranges from the very site you are reading off, Blogger, to our very loved Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Imeem, MySpace and so many more other sites.

Social media sites has gained much popularity in these recent years, almost like a phenomenon hitting everyone who uses the Internet and it continues to gain popularity. Users now are spoiled for choices as they are many sites of the same sort to choose from.

The topic for this week, YouTube!

We know you all love sneaking into YouTube to catch the latest and hottest music videos, upcoming movie trailers (talking about trailers, you have to check out the new trailer for Wolfman, it is awesome!) sorry i strayed from the topic, got too excited, and practically watching anything that is in a video form!

YouTube was launched in 2005 that supports the most common video formats. Founded by three men formally working at PayPals - Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim with the slogan Broadcast Yourself. Video's are converted to Flash Video and users have to have a flash player to watch video's. YouTube began as an avenue for users to exchange video's among friends and family then grew into a platform for people to showcase their talents. Whether it is videography skill, or someone just trying to make a statement, YouTube began to overflow with video's. YouTube, even became the place for many to showcase their singing talents like YouTube's first star who now an award winning artist, Colbie Caillat! YouTube's main competitor is AOL, but in my opinion they've got nothing to worry about as YouTube is a phenomenon that's going to last for quite some time, don't you think so?

We'll that's all for my post this time, I hope that you guys will keep up with our blog and support us along the way. We value your comments and opinions very much.

Oh and here's the link to the Wolfman trailer I was talking about! Enjoy!