Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Cons of Youtube

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Even though there were no comment or feedback for my previous post, but it's okay. The other day i posted about the pros of using youtube and today, i will blog about the cons of it.


1. Most of the kids, even adults learn by watching what other people do. Some parents don't even allow their kids to watch television until they're 2 years old. The parents afraid that their kids will learn by all the exposure of sex, violence and any other things they see on TV. Youtube is very exposed, everyone have unlimited access to the internet and Youtube. Even the signing up for Youtube can be faked by putting the year that we were born and all the fakers will have access to video with are violence and only appropriate to those people who are above 18 years old. One of the way that people learn is by watching, Youtube may teach them things that they are not suppose to.

2. Everything you or other people posted a video, it is shared to the world. Everyone who have access to the internet and Youtube, they can view the videos that you have posted. People are freely to give comments and harsh advice to the video unless that the user is block from the comment box.

3. There are some pornography in the website as well. It will be removed, but some of it is still there.

I have posted this blog according to what the majority of the combination of website says about it. From my personal point of view, the pros are over-weighting the cons shows that this site is not a bad site after all, go check it out, it has all the latest videos that you may like. It's worth the watching.



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