Monday, February 1, 2010

Imeem No More!

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Hello hello I'm back for my weekly post and this week we're going to be talking about music sites!

Topic for today : No more Imeem!!

Imeem pic

Before heading to the topic, here's a little history on Imeem -

Imeem was founded in 2003 with the concept of free, advertising supported music model for online music which allowed users to legally upload, stream and share music. Imeem was the first ever online music site to secure licenses from all four major music labels in the United States. It claimed to have had 16 million users worldwide!

What happened??? -

It shut down!
My condolences for all Imeem user's - no one was notified therefore there goes all the play list down the drain!

The reason -

Apparently Imeem's full-track-playback licenses expired as a result of its inability to keep up with licensing payments and there was also a lawsuit in the process with a huge sum that Imeem was not able to pay!

Money pic

What happened to the company?? -

MySpace Music - a joint venture between MySpace and music labels acquired a deal to buy "certain assets" from the pioneers of online music site. The entire Imeem service has been removed from the web and their Iphone Apps no longer works. The domain now redirects to MySpace music and embedded songs on your blogs and social network sites no longer load.

All hope is not gone!

GOOD NEWS for Imeem users! A few Imeem high ranking employee's have signed on to Myspace Music and is in the working to maybe transfer Imeem's play list over to MySpace music! =D

I just checked out MySpace music and it's looking not too bad, pretty interesting i would say. Here's the link for you to check it out!

MySpace Music pic

Now that there is no more Imeem but only MySpace music, if Facebook dies off, I think MySpace is a pretty good option as it has both a social network site and also a music site. What do you think? Should we start a MySpace phenomenon here in Malaysia?

(Reference :

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