Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 2 Poll Results!

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Week 2 Poll Results!

This weeks poll was about Facebook asking us to pay for their services.We asked you what would your rather do, and the answer was as expected. As you can see above, majority has said that they would switch to friendster and the rest stop using social networking sites at all. Now as you can see, Friendster and Facebook has made such a huge effect on their user that people would either swithc between the both or quit using sites like this at all.

There are many different types of social networking sites, such as Myspace, Bebo,Hi5 and so much more, but when discussed in a crowd the only two names and pop-up are Facebook and Friendster. This poll also clearly shows, that Facebook should not make their users pay for the services, they would loose out big time.

Anyways guys thanks for sharing you input in this quick poll. We will be coming up with more interesting stuff for you'll in our next poll.

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