Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Make Life Easier Sites!!

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Hey guys, I know you'll must be wondering what I am talking about and how it is connected to social media sites. Well guys this particular post is going to be of much interest to all the college students out there.

Here is what I mean, I am going to be talking about the social media sites that college students use to make life easier. Now you get what i was talking about?, Lets start with the 1st one, this website helps students solve any kind of problem, studies related of course such as Maths, science and etc. The questions are not answered by just anyone, they are answered by experts of the particular subject, resulting in accurate answers. Don't you think that is just making a student become more lazy?.

Next we have a list of websites that help students in looking for a job or a place to do their internship. Doesn't that sound interesting! these websites are and This website not only helps students find jobs, it also gives them reviews from other students. this one website i must say brings alot of benefits to college students, helping them save time. Photobucket(refference :

The most interesting out of them is, this paricular website is a carpool service whereby a particular college community can add the application and the students can then share carpool information from there, that would be a plus point. The negative side to it is that its not a very safe service for students or outsiders to misuse it. Website of this such is what that leads to kidnapping and rape cases.

This is not much of an issue, however students should very much learn to do things without the help of these shortcuts. The actual issue behind this post, is to tell everyone that these websites exists to make students depend on them. Using these websites once in a while is alrite, but most students get addicted to it that they forget how is it to think and come up with their own solutions.

Do you guys agree with me that there are students out there that have become too dependent on social media sites of such??

Refference : (online) :

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