Wednesday, March 17, 2010


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Hello, today i want to talk about why people blog. The main reason why people blog is like a diary for them but the difference is that it is online. People want to let others know what they have gone through daily and he or she is also interested to read people's blog. People think that blogs are intellectual and educational because people can learn by reading and also know more about your friends.

Some people blog in a way of them expressing their feelings. These are the people who does not really review their blogs for other people, they like to keep it to themselves and also go through things alone. There are also blogs by Dr. Mahathir, he wrote about his political thoughts and how he want to see the country improve. There are so many followers and those people are those who want to listen to them and believe that he is one person that can make a difference in the country.


Everyone in the world have rights to blog. There are a few blogs that have been blacklisted by it still keep appearing in the internet. This blog contain obscenity content in the blog which is Other than this sites, everyone CAN BLOG! you too can share your thoughts, vent, and complain to the public at large. There are lots of really smart bloggers who have interesting perspectives on the news, politics, sports, business, and many many more. These are the people you can't see in media such as TV or radio to voice out their opinion.

From my opinion, Blogging is one way to express you self only if it means no harm to your self.


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