Monday, March 8, 2010

Movies Galore!

Link to us :

First it was watching new movies as soon as they hit out shores in Malaysia in the cinemas, then used to wait for the movie to come out in their original vcd's. Well that was way before pirated cd's and downloading came to the picture. To add another one to that list is watching movies online.

Yup, that's the latest thing that users on the internet like to do. Amongst the ones that I am familiar with is and one by the name of nabolister but I think they've changed their name to videolister, i wonder why
The Pro's

1. It's free of course. Most sites are free and they don't even require you to register before using. Some do require registration and some as always are not free.

2. It's fast - well that's if you have a high speed internet connection.

3. Hassle free - Thought it takes time to buffer and play the video, it doesn't require the user to download the video.

4. Space-saving - This method of watching movies saves space as you don't occupy your disk space as there is no need to save it on your computer.

The Con's

1. Takes time - Not many of us have high internet connections, thus it takes quite some time to load and watch. Some sites may also require you watch advertisements from their sponsors before the movie starts to buffer.

2. Problematic - Sites like this can be very problematic. Some videos may not load, files may be broken and some may not work at all. Sites like these takes lots of patience as a user has to keep trying again & again.

3. Clarity - Only once it buffers and play, then only will the users be able to know the quality of the video. Some video's may be not clear and some or should I say many will be scams and viruses.

4. Well the fourth is not really a con's but here goes : It's illegal - Many sites like this are illegal and don't have proper licenses to operate =]

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