Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Watching Movies on Youtube A 'No' 'No'!!

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The latest trend nowadays are not buying pirated CD's/DVD's. They are watching movies online! As we all know buying pirated DVD's is a crime. So what does watching movies online come under? Is it a crime?

Well whether or not it has been declared officially, watching movies online is equivalent to piracy. It may be an easier way for users but it brings a lot of disadvantages for movie makers. People who learn how to appreaciate movies should also learn about the people behind the scenes that go through hell to make one movie.

Example : “Zombieland currently the most pirated movie . Over one million downloads and counting.” - it only matters to certain degree that Zombieland earned triple its production budget; when you factor in marketing in promotion, that margin gets a lot slimmer and really, in the end, studios watch the much-lauded bottom line to measure how well their films have done. To guarantee a Zombieland 2, Sony was no doubt looking for Zombieland 1 to crack the triple-digit millions – a feat the film should’ve easily accomplished, if those one million people sitting at their computers had decided to drop 7-12 bucks to see the film in theaters, instead of 7-12 minutes downloading it illegally.

And now the fate of Zombieland 2 hangs in the balance, and that just SUCKS.

Youtube cannot consider it as an illegal activity because the movies are uploaded bit by bit, for those who really want to watch a movie, they would have to download 14 to 15 different parts. Dont you think that is a bigger hassle?.Watching clips and funny moments may not be such a crime, but watching movies should not be encouraged. This message goes out to the current generation that practically lives online. Buy original and be original!.

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