Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hello, today i want to talk about why people blog. The main reason why people blog is like a diary for them but the difference is that it is online. People want to let others know what they have gone through daily and he or she is also interested to read people's blog. People think that blogs are intellectual and educational because people can learn by reading and also know more about your friends.
Some people blog in a way of them expressing their feelings. These are the people who does not really review their blogs for other people, they like to keep it to themselves and also go through things alone. There are also blogs by Dr. Mahathir, he wrote about his political thoughts and how he want to see the country improve. There are so many followers and those people are those who want to listen to them and believe that he is one person that can make a difference in the country.
Everyone in the world have rights to blog. There are a few blogs that have been blacklisted by it still keep appearing in the internet. This blog contain obscenity content in the blog which is Other than this sites, everyone CAN BLOG! you too can share your thoughts, vent, and complain to the public at large. There are lots of really smart bloggers who have interesting perspectives on the news, politics, sports, business, and many many more. These are the people you can't see in media such as TV or radio to voice out their opinion.
From my opinion, Blogging is one way to express you self only if it means no harm to your self.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tips to help you blog!
Based on the past few week of learning about blogging, today i am going to be giving you top 3 tips to help you gain popularity for your blog. Lets Start!
> Write Well and write often.
The only way you can increase readers for your blog is to keep them interested. How? well you have to keep on writing and updating your blog and with interesting facts regarding your blog.
> Submit your blog to Search engines.
well if you dont give your readers an oppurtunity to look for you how would they find you?. the best way to is by submiting your URL to popular search engines, so when they are looking for information thats linked to your blog they would find you.
> Syndicate Your Blog's Content with an RSS Feed
Setting up an RSS feed button on your blog makes it easy for your loyal readers to not just read your blog but also know when you publish new content.
A very important part of blogging is adding images. Images not only enhance your blog post but it also increases your chances of getting found in search engines. If the reader misses your blog in the web part, they would be able to find you in the images which would then link them to your blog page.
Follow these tips and be prepared to gain popularity.
Refference :
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ironic as it is! It's time to talk about blogs!
It's the last week for our blog posts, and we are talking about the platform itself, blogs!
Blog came from the word "web log" - an online version of a journal. It started off with the idea of an individual writing his thoughts, events or anything like that regularly. Blogs have come a long way then just a ordinary personal diaries. There are many types of blogs these days.
Types of blogs :
1. Personal blog - Most famous type of blog. Personal ramblings of a person that can involve practically anything, usually used to vent our personal emotions and thoughts on things.
2. Vlog - For those of you cracking your head. Vlog is a blog that consists of videos.
3. Photolog - A blog consisting of photos
4. Sketchlog - A blog that acts as a portfolio filled with sketches
5. Linklog - A blog comprising of links.
6. Tumblelogs - Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media
7. Typecast - A very interesting one this is ; A blog formed from of scanned articles.
8.Phlog -
9. Moblog - A blog post posted by mobile devices.
10. Splog - Another interesting one. A blog solely used for spamming purposes!
11. Microblog - A shorter and instant version of a blog. For example, all-star famour Twitter!
These are some of the common types of blogs available. So the next time you stumble on these terms, you will know exactly what they are!
Thank you for the continous support on our blog! Cheers!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Have you guys ever wondered movies that are coming up in the cinemas are nice to watch, interesting, what is the story line, casting and so on? Now you guys don't have to worry because by visiting, everyone can have movie reviews, top box office, and upcoming movies!
Users can also view slides about a certain movies. Screen shots are available to be viewed and there are also news columns about celebrities and so much more! In the review columns, it will state the critics opinion, synopsis, directed by who, movies rating, cast and so on. They will provide a list of movies that is already out in the cinema and new movies coming up. The most interesting part is people can view the trailers for upcoming movies!
Movies lovers, what you're waiting for? let's watch a movie today!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Watching Movies on Youtube A 'No' 'No'!!
The latest trend nowadays are not buying pirated CD's/DVD's. They are watching movies online! As we all know buying pirated DVD's is a crime. So what does watching movies online come under? Is it a crime?
Well whether or not it has been declared officially, watching movies online is equivalent to piracy. It may be an easier way for users but it brings a lot of disadvantages for movie makers. People who learn how to appreaciate movies should also learn about the people behind the scenes that go through hell to make one movie.
Example : “Zombieland currently the most pirated movie . Over one million downloads and counting.” - it only matters to certain degree that Zombieland earned triple its production budget; when you factor in marketing in promotion, that margin gets a lot slimmer and really, in the end, studios watch the much-lauded bottom line to measure how well their films have done. To guarantee a Zombieland 2, Sony was no doubt looking for Zombieland 1 to crack the triple-digit millions – a feat the film should’ve easily accomplished, if those one million people sitting at their computers had decided to drop 7-12 bucks to see the film in theaters, instead of 7-12 minutes downloading it illegally.
And now the fate of Zombieland 2 hangs in the balance, and that just SUCKS.
Youtube cannot consider it as an illegal activity because the movies are uploaded bit by bit, for those who really want to watch a movie, they would have to download 14 to 15 different parts. Dont you think that is a bigger hassle?.Watching clips and funny moments may not be such a crime, but watching movies should not be encouraged. This message goes out to the current generation that practically lives online. Buy original and be original!.
Refference :
Week 6 poll result : English it is!
As expected, the language that is most prefered is English, followed by tamil and mandarin with an equal percentage.To our suprise, Bahasa Malaysia didnt make the cut at all.
English takes the lead with a strong 50% which is then followed by tamil and mandarin with an equal 25%. It is an known fact that the majority would prefer English. However being in Malaysia, what suprised me the most is that Bahasa Malaysia was not an option at all. Its can be appreciated that even online users prefer their mother tongue to be the prefered language.
Well guys there you have it, Week 6 poll results. Do stay in touch for out next poll. Keep Voting!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Movies Galore!
First it was watching new movies as soon as they hit out shores in Malaysia in the cinemas, then used to wait for the movie to come out in their original vcd's. Well that was way before pirated cd's and downloading came to the picture. To add another one to that list is watching movies online.
Yup, that's the latest thing that users on the internet like to do. Amongst the ones that I am familiar with is and one by the name of nabolister but I think they've changed their name to videolister, i wonder why
The Pro's
1. It's free of course. Most sites are free and they don't even require you to register before using. Some do require registration and some as always are not free.
2. It's fast - well that's if you have a high speed internet connection.
3. Hassle free - Thought it takes time to buffer and play the video, it doesn't require the user to download the video.
4. Space-saving - This method of watching movies saves space as you don't occupy your disk space as there is no need to save it on your computer.
The Con's
1. Takes time - Not many of us have high internet connections, thus it takes quite some time to load and watch. Some sites may also require you watch advertisements from their sponsors before the movie starts to buffer.
2. Problematic - Sites like this can be very problematic. Some videos may not load, files may be broken and some may not work at all. Sites like these takes lots of patience as a user has to keep trying again & again.
3. Clarity - Only once it buffers and play, then only will the users be able to know the quality of the video. Some video's may be not clear and some or should I say many will be scams and viruses.
4. Well the fourth is not really a con's but here goes : It's illegal - Many sites like this are illegal and don't have proper licenses to operate =]
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Match making in Malaysia?
There is website called People from Hong Kong, Malaysia and also Singapore can now find their soul mates through this match making sites! Anyone interested to find a quality dating agency? here is one is Asia!
Tired of the clubs and pubs scene? Uneasy about meeting people through online chats and personals? There must be a better way to meet potential partners in Malaysia! LUNCH ACTUALLY, Malaysia's premier lunch dating company offers you the chance to get acquainted over lunch, coffee or even after work drinks!
Users can now use this site to find the love of their life. You will now have an opportunity you will never get anywhere. With the confirmation of submit-ion, all you need to do is to show up and enjoy the best time with your date!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Matches Made Online?
Well i know that most of the time people say matches are made in heaven but nowadays its a bit different. Nowadays people are more into finding their matches online. Theres even a term called online relationship! Have you ever had a online relationship? well if not here are a few good points and bad points about this online dating services from people who has been there and done that!.
lets begin!, Of course, the most obvious advantage of free online dating sites is that they don't cost anything. Thats why people normaly go for it. There's never any guarantee that dating services will work, and if they don't, those costly fees can seem like even more of a burden.Also,because they're free, singles can experiment until they find the right site.
Although online dating services can be advantages, they also contain a few problems. Often, one problem with free online dating services is that fewer people are on these sites. Although the free sites are gaining in popularity, they still lack the name recognition of sites like and
An additional problem with free online dating services is that they tend to attract spammers, who join these websites for free so that they can put ads in the chat rooms and on other parts of the website. Another disadvantage would be the fact that because its a free site people can find any type of person, which brings us to the michevious behavior of fake information which would fool people who are actually in a search for their soulmates.
Security issues may be more of an issue on free dating service websites. Large dating service companies have a reputation to protect, and thus they are careful to protect personal information and maintain a secure site. This may not be the case at a free site.
As a conclusion, I would say online dating services in any part of the world is a bad thing.People should stick to meeting people face to face, it is still a much better way!
Monday, March 1, 2010
It is exactly what you are thinking about! is an online dating sites! Most of you are probably already leaning towards the negative side right? amongst the comments i get when people talk about online dating sites are "ewwww, so desperate! and creepy" Yup that's what most people, especially Malaysian think about online dating sites but you may be surprised to know how many people actually use it. started of 1n 1993 and it was bought over many times before given a stable home by IAC/Inter Active Corp. They claim to have over 20million users over 37 countries and it is available in 12 languages .
Registration is free but users have to pay for premium services. It not merely a portal to exchange numbers, but it also has relationship advisers, quizzes, dating tips and a lot more. For malaysians, there is an 18years old age limit.
An idea so taboo last time, is gaining much acceptance in today's society. I think online dating sites are okay to be used, but one should be wise and matured about it. Users should also be smart not to fall into scams and harmful people while using this sites. Like all sites, too much of something can become a bad thing!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
facebook anyone? (Version Bahasa Malaysia)
Even though facebook expose our profile without limitation, believe it or not, that other social media sites such as Myspace, Friendster and so on have already been beaten by There are people who starve themselves or just waste their whole day sitting in front of the computer just to use the applications available in facebook.
It is very clear that Facebook has much more users now compare to the others. The main attraction is probably then new lay out, the new design, the varieties of applications, more user friendly, and the one i like the most is, they have a very good interactivity with the user.
As you can see in the sites, showing that Malaysia is one of the top 10 for the fastest growing over pass weeks. Me, myself is a facebook user. I enjoy using it because i can make new friends easily, sharing my photos to update myself with my school friends, college mate, new friends and even my family members. As a teenager, i enjoy playing the games from all the applications provided.
My friend wanted to host a party next weekend but he didn't know how to invite all his friends without going through all the hassle, i suggested him to Facebook. He now have almost all his friends clicking on the "attend" button on the invitation application. :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Social Media, more than just media! (Bahasa Malaysia Version)
Minggu ini saya hendak berkongsi infromasi tentang media social.
Tangapan orang ramai terhadap media social amatlah berbeza kalau dibandingkan apa yang dapat dilihat dari gambaran yang sebenarnya. Katakanlah kalau seseorang dikalangan komuniti kita kalau disoal apakah itu media social, mereka hanya akan keluar dengan jawapan yang sama iaitu “YOUTUBE”. Jawaban ini diperkuatkan lagi dengan survey yang telah dijalankan tidak lama dahulu.
Blog ini akan memperkukuhkan lagi pengetahuan anda terhadap laman web media social. Blog untuk minggu ini akan mempersembahkan anda dengan Berita Media Sosial. Ini mesti megejutkan kerana berita juga dikategorikan sebagai media social.
Muda-mudi zaman sekarang amat tidak berminat membaca suratkhabar atau pun hanya mengimbas sepintas lalu jadi untuk megatasi masalah generasi muda sekarang yang amat terpengaruh dengan kemudahan IT, cara yang amat mudah ialah membawa berita keriba mereka. Setiap orang akan setuju dengan penyelesaian yang telah dikemukakan.
Kita semua sedar dengan kemudahan dan kecanggihan IT di era sekarang, setiap orang dari setiap pelusuk dunia dapat berhubungan satu sama lain dengan memberi dan bertukar pendapat. Ini bukan sahaja sebagai hiburan tetapi memberi peluang untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan masing-masing.
Salah satu sebab mengapa agensi media membuat kemudahan sebegini supaya mereka tidak akan kehilangan pelangan – pelangan mereka dan juga supaya pelangan mereka akan dapat berita yang tekini pada setiap waktu. Kalau dikutkan perubahan dunia sekarang , tidak lama lagi suratkhabar tidak akan wujud lagi. Orang ramai akan terima perubahan ini kerana ini merupakan harapan orang ramai untuk menerima berita dalam waktu yang amat singkat. Berita Media Sosial akan dan telah membuat perubahan yang amat besar dalam perubahan dunia sekarang.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Week 4 Poll Results!
Last week we asked the readers if sharing images online should be encouraged, and this was the results..
20% of the readers said yes with the given answer it allows you to connect with people, 20% said NO, with the given answer it was dangerous and the majority with 60% said just plainly yes.
Different users have different opinions, but I guess image sharing is alright when used in the right way. It can definitely turn into something bad when it is misused. Therefore users have to be smart and decide what is appropriate to share online and whats not to avoid problems!
Photos, photos and more photos! ( Bahasa Malaysia Version)
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Topik untuk minggu ini ialah laman media sosial untuk perkongsian gambar!
Dan saya akan bercakap tentang, Photobucket!
Apa anda buat apabila anda mempunyai banyak gambar-gambar dan anda mahu menunjukkannya kepada kawan-kawan dan ahli keluarga?? Adakah anda perlu bantuan menyokong gambar-gambar berharga anda?? Kalau begitu, cubalah Photobucket!
Photobucket adalah satu pengacaraan imej, perkongsian foto bebas, perkongsian video dan dan laman web penciptaan slideshow. Ia dicipta pada 2003, dan paling digunakan untuk menkongsi album-album peribadi seseorang pengguna . Photobucket juga banyak digunakan dengan meluas dalam blog, dan juga laman sosial seperti Myspace dan Facebook.
Photobucket menawarkan 500MB ruang simpanan untuk gambar dan juga berjam-jam perkongsian video. Ia dahulunya 1GB, tetapi sama seperti laman-laman lain, mereka mula mengenakan bayaran. Pengguna-pengguna yang memerlukan lebih banyak ruang terpaksa membayar.
Dalam soal privasi, pengguna boleh membuat akaun awam, iaitu membenarkan sesiapa untuk melihat akaun pengguna, atau membuat akaun terlindung yang hanya membenarkan pengguna lain yang terpilih sahaja melihat akuan pengguna.
Photobucket bukan hanya satu-satunya laman media social sebegini dalam pasaran, ia berkongsi pasarannya dengan lebih daripada 30 jenis perkongsian gambar yang lain seperti Flickr, Imej Shack dan Picasa. Pada pendapat saya, Photobucketlah yang paling mersa untuk diguna dan adalah pilihan yang paling popular di kalangan pengguna.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
social media news!
Many people would always like something new. New phones, mp3, computer hardware and social news. There is a site that people can go to, its called It has so many interesting things about news, guide and so much more.
In this site, there is also carts, comparison and many things as well. The most common one will be facebook, twitter, myspace and so much more. It has so many category such as entertainment, news, video and other things to explore. Under those categories, there also many choice to choose from. For example, under entertainment, there is film, sports, celebrities and so many things to learn and explore together with your friends. Check out the site if you have the chance to!
check out this website to learn more new things!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Social Media, more than just media!
Well, what I meant by that is, social media sites are alot more than what people assume it to be. For example, if you were to ask a person what social media site do you use most as the previous poll result we got answers of Youtube.
Well this blog is going to expand your knowledge of Social Media sites. This weeks blog is going to be speakng about Social media News. Don't be alarmed! News also falls under the category of social media. Younger generation these days are not very interested in picking up the newspaper and flipping pages. Since they are the I.T generation why not bring the news to them. I'm sure you would all agree to that decision. Since news is online, as every other social site, people all around the world get to exhange their views on the commenting options and it then not only expands your knowledge it also connects people.
The main reason why news was mad available online is so that the newspaper companies would be able to keep up and not lose its customers. As the world is changing, one day actual newspapers would no longer exist. People would get used to having things at an instant. Social Media News has made a huge difference around the world.
I hope this post has thought you a bit more about Social Media Sites!
Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Community Q and A's
Wondering what is community Q & A (Question & Answer) ??
It is actually a type of social media site as well. What type you may ask? One that provides you with answers like Yahoo!Answers.
Yahoo! Answers like most other community Q and A's work this way - Users can submit questions to be answered and answer questions put up by other, thus it's name, community Q and A's. According to comScore, Yahoo! Answers is the second most popular Q&A site on the Internet. The number one spot belongs to
All users need is a Yahoo! ID and members are encouraged to participate in order to earn points. This points are needed to ask questions on Yahoo! Answer. The reason for this point system is to get users to answer other users questions and to avoid spam questions.
I'm not too sure about this whole point system, but I think Yahoo! Answers can be very useful. If you want to know more sites like this and compare them with Yahoo! Answers then you have to come back and check out the next two post this week!
Till then cheers to a prosperous chinese new year!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Week Three Poll Results!
This week's poll is about using social media sites to listen to music. The poll says that 50% of the community uses the sites and the other half doesn't. In my opinion, why some people does not listen to their music through website is because they like to download it and listen to their own downloaded with the media player or other player. There are so many downloading software that can be used by everyone to make it easier. Me, myself does not like to listen to music through the website, i preferred listening it through the Mp3. :P
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Postive outlook of Sharing Images
Well guys my post this week is about a positive issue. As we all know sharing images through image hosting website has always been seen to a certain extend as a negative aspect. Why? Well this is due to some people who use this kinda services to promote themselves in a wrong manner. If you know what i mean.
Well I came across the positive aspect of this on an article. It was an article written by a parent telling other parents out there not to only look at the bad aspects of online services. This parent spoke about how her daughter had put up pictures that was taken during christmas and using the tagging option was able to show it to other family members. The parent was very happy that her daughter found a new mode of keeping in touch with family and friends.
This article clearly shows that there is a bigger plus point to sharing images online. "Sharing is Caring" is something that is fondly used by teenagers these days, I strongly believe that it should be followed. Share information, moments and memories that benefit others not bring harm.
Thats all for this weeks post guys. Till next week.Take Care =)
Reference :
Today’s topic will be about PHOTOS. People like to share photo with their friends, family and the whole world. is the place where u can share your photos with people who care for you.
There are many ways to upload your photos. From you desktop, sent by emails and so much more. Don’t have a computer near you? Use a mobile phone and email the photos and it will be uploaded right away.
Photos can be edited to remove red eye, crop the pictures and put in effect. Photos can be crop to smaller pieces and a specific size according to the user.
Photos in flickers can be organized easily; use collection, set and the photos can be tagged and put in categories of your choice. There is also a tool called map. This tool will share where your photos and videos are taken. Users can also view photos and videos that were taken near them!
Users can use Flickr to make stuff. Examples such as sexy cards, photo books, framed photos, DVDs and so much more. Users can get updates from their friends and family whenever and wherever they go! Start exploring Flickr! Its worth it
Monday, February 8, 2010
Photos, photos and more photos!
Hello and welcome back! Topic for this week social media sites for photo sharing!
And I'm going to talk about, Photobucket!
What do you do when you have tons of pictures and you want to show them to your circle of friends and family?? Need back up for your precious pictures?? Then Photobucket is for you!
Photobucket is an image hosting, free photo sharing, video sharing and and slideshow creation website. It was created in 2003, and its most famously used for personal albums of pictures. Photobucket is also used widely in blogs, e-bay and also social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook.
Photobucket offers 500MB of storage space and hours of video sharing. It was previously 1GB, but as all media sites, they started charging. Users who needed more space had to upgrade of course.
In terms of privacy, users could make it a public account allowing anyone to view it, or make it private and only allowing selected people to use it.
Photobucket is not one of a kind in the market, it shares it with more than 30 different types of photo sharing sites. To name a few - Flicker, Image Shack & Picasa. But to me, it feels like the most user friendly and popular choice to use amongst users.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Week 2 Poll Results!
This weeks poll was about Facebook asking us to pay for their services.We asked you what would your rather do, and the answer was as expected. As you can see above, majority has said that they would switch to friendster and the rest stop using social networking sites at all. Now as you can see, Friendster and Facebook has made such a huge effect on their user that people would either swithc between the both or quit using sites like this at all.
There are many different types of social networking sites, such as Myspace, Bebo,Hi5 and so much more, but when discussed in a crowd the only two names and pop-up are Facebook and Friendster. This poll also clearly shows, that Facebook should not make their users pay for the services, they would loose out big time.
Anyways guys thanks for sharing you input in this quick poll. We will be coming up with more interesting stuff for you'll in our next poll.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Social Music Sites an issue?
As you can read from the earlier post, you can see that Imeem is out. My post today is today is to speak about the issues users come acrooss when using social music sites. The top 3 issues are as follows.
Firstly: Tracks Played Counter, this is when the play counter on your profile suddenly drops a lot of plays, although all the scrobbled tracks are still in your charts. This is a display glitch which will correct itself within 24 hours, you haven't actually lost any scrobbles! So dont worry.
Next :Radio Page, the video advertisement that flashes before the radio starts can cause some browsers to crash for example, Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 2, and Safari 3/4. This is a major problem for most internet users use these 3 browsers.
Third :Adding Tracks to Playlists, when trying to add a track to your playlist using the "Add a track" option on your playlist's page, it may not find any tracks at all. This causes alot of irritance with the users. For those who are planning to switch to please think again. The issues that pop-up with social music sites.
Take care Guys! catch you'll in my next post. =)
Radioblogclub! is the first stand-alone player that lets you stream sound on your website.
Using this website, users can easily just listen to their choice of music by just clicking the play list given by the sties. This site support streaming and users have to wait for it to load before the music is being played.
This site have less users now since the existing of The reason why people switch to is mainly because radioblogclub does not have visual to be viewed by the users and also it loads very slowly. Every new songs of choice that has been clicked need to wait a long time to just listen to one song. This site also allows user to buy in the store. Users need to pay a certain amount of cash to download a certain content of songs. Users that sign up for it can have a "favorite page" where the users can put their frequent listen songs. It's old but it definitely works! check it out!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Imeem No More!
Hello hello I'm back for my weekly post and this week we're going to be talking about music sites!
Topic for today : No more Imeem!!
Before heading to the topic, here's a little history on Imeem -
Imeem was founded in 2003 with the concept of free, advertising supported music model for online music which allowed users to legally upload, stream and share music. Imeem was the first ever online music site to secure licenses from all four major music labels in the United States. It claimed to have had 16 million users worldwide!
What happened??? -
It shut down! My condolences for all Imeem user's - no one was notified therefore there goes all the play list down the drain!
The reason -
Apparently Imeem's full-track-playback licenses expired as a result of its inability to keep up with licensing payments and there was also a lawsuit in the process with a huge sum that Imeem was not able to pay!
What happened to the company?? -
MySpace Music - a joint venture between MySpace and music labels acquired a deal to buy "certain assets" from the pioneers of online music site. The entire Imeem service has been removed from the web and their Iphone Apps no longer works. The domain now redirects to MySpace music and embedded songs on your blogs and social network sites no longer load.
All hope is not gone!
GOOD NEWS for Imeem users! A few Imeem high ranking employee's have signed on to Myspace Music and is in the working to maybe transfer Imeem's play list over to MySpace music! =D
I just checked out MySpace music and it's looking not too bad, pretty interesting i would say. Here's the link for you to check it out!
Now that there is no more Imeem but only MySpace music, if Facebook dies off, I think MySpace is a pretty good option as it has both a social network site and also a music site. What do you think? Should we start a MySpace phenomenon here in Malaysia?
(Reference :
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Cons of Youtube
Even though there were no comment or feedback for my previous post, but it's okay. The other day i posted about the pros of using youtube and today, i will blog about the cons of it.
1. Most of the kids, even adults learn by watching what other people do. Some parents don't even allow their kids to watch television until they're 2 years old. The parents afraid that their kids will learn by all the exposure of sex, violence and any other things they see on TV. Youtube is very exposed, everyone have unlimited access to the internet and Youtube. Even the signing up for Youtube can be faked by putting the year that we were born and all the fakers will have access to video with are violence and only appropriate to those people who are above 18 years old. One of the way that people learn is by watching, Youtube may teach them things that they are not suppose to.
2. Everything you or other people posted a video, it is shared to the world. Everyone who have access to the internet and Youtube, they can view the videos that you have posted. People are freely to give comments and harsh advice to the video unless that the user is block from the comment box.
3. There are some pornography in the website as well. It will be removed, but some of it is still there.
I have posted this blog according to what the majority of the combination of website says about it. From my personal point of view, the pros are over-weighting the cons shows that this site is not a bad site after all, go check it out, it has all the latest videos that you may like. It's worth the watching.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Make Life Easier Sites!!
Hey guys, I know you'll must be wondering what I am talking about and how it is connected to social media sites. Well guys this particular post is going to be of much interest to all the college students out there.
Here is what I mean, I am going to be talking about the social media sites that college students use to make life easier. Now you get what i was talking about?, Lets start with the 1st one, this website helps students solve any kind of problem, studies related of course such as Maths, science and etc. The questions are not answered by just anyone, they are answered by experts of the particular subject, resulting in accurate answers. Don't you think that is just making a student become more lazy?.
Next we have a list of websites that help students in looking for a job or a place to do their internship. Doesn't that sound interesting! these websites are and This website not only helps students find jobs, it also gives them reviews from other students. this one website i must say brings alot of benefits to college students, helping them save time. (refference :
The most interesting out of them is, this paricular website is a carpool service whereby a particular college community can add the application and the students can then share carpool information from there, that would be a plus point. The negative side to it is that its not a very safe service for students or outsiders to misuse it. Website of this such is what that leads to kidnapping and rape cases.
This is not much of an issue, however students should very much learn to do things without the help of these shortcuts. The actual issue behind this post, is to tell everyone that these websites exists to make students depend on them. Using these websites once in a while is alrite, but most students get addicted to it that they forget how is it to think and come up with their own solutions.
Do you guys agree with me that there are students out there that have become too dependent on social media sites of such??
Refference : (online) :
Monday, January 25, 2010
Pay To Use Facebook ?!!
The hot topic for this week, the very loved Facebook.
What is Facebook? It is an online social network of profiles that helps you connect with all the people in your life, whether it is your friend, co-worker, old flame, university get the scenario, Facebook practically let's you connect with anyone that has a Facebook account! That includes celebrities ;)
We all remember the days of Friendster, one of the pioneers of social networking sites before Facebook became the 'IT' thing. Friendster at that time was just perfect, we were able to create a profile, upload pictures and of course write testimonials for our friends.
Then came Facebook to the picture. At first almost everyone (including my stubborn self) who was on the Friendster bug refused to bow down to the new kid in town, Facebook as it seemed to be not very user friendly in the beginning. In a blink of any eye, everyone and everyone turned to Facebook! Facebook was far more interesting, there was the comments and commenting on other people's comments, the tagging of photo's, the like's, status updates, groups and so many more unique features. Facebook also made it convenient to re-connect with lost school or universities mates. Another feature we loved about facebook was the games. Facebook users were spoiled with many games to choose from and many games were interactive games that allowed user to compete with other users and friends from their own list like Farmville, Restaurant City and the one i got so hooked on lately, Sorority Life.
Recently there was a rumour going around Facebook stating that users will have to pay to use Facebook in the coming future! I for one went bonkers with the thought in my head! Imagine if we all had to pay to use Facebook because we all are just a tiny little bit addicted to it! Most Malaysians including myself would scream "Die-lah!" (Not that I am attached to it! =P hehe)
Well it stated that a user will have to pay $14.99, US dollars that is, to continue using Facebook!!
Here is the verdict! According to Telegraph, a United Kingdom newspaper, Facebook has denied claims to start charging users to use Facebook! Phewwwww! What a relive.. However, according to another website, Facebook has begun testing a proprietary payment system for three applications - one of them is Birthday Calender.
I guess it's safe to say that Facebook is still free as for now, but the future is very much uncertain. It is still free for now, so let's make the best out of it! Sorority Life here i come =D
Now let's assume they start charging, how much will you pay to continue using Facebook? If it was 14.99 (malaysian ringgit) a month, i would consider. Would you?
(References : &
Week 1 Poll Results!
Well, last week we put up our very first poll! And the results are in. We asked our readers this :-
Which social media site do you visit the most? It was a multiple choice question focus only on video media sites with the options answers of YouTube, Metacafe, Ulinkx, Uvouch and Vimeo.
Well the results comes by no surprise, YouTube takes the no1 spot. But here is the shocker, everyone voted for YouTube, as you can see below in our chart.
This shows that Youtube has really made it's mark in becoming the most favourite social media sites in terms of videos amongst it's users. YouTube won the hearts of many as it's the most user friendly and convenient social media site. According to a social media statistics website, YouTube drew attention to 91 million viewer's in July 2008 just in the United States only and that equals to 5 billion online video views altogether! Now it's more that understandable why our reader's picked YouTube from the rest.
Before i leave, here are some interesting facts about YouTube.
Most Watched YouTube Video's in 2009
1. Susan Boyle - Britain's Got Talent : 120+ million views
2. David After Dentist : 37+ million views
3. JK Wedding Entrance Dance : 33+ million views
4. New Moon Movie Trailer : 31+ million views
5. Evian Roller Babies : 27+ million views
Most Watched Music Video's in YouTube 2009
1. Pitbull - I Know You Want Me : 82+ million views
2. Miley Cyrus - The Climb : 64+ million views
3. Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA : 54+ million views
4. The Lonely Island - I'm On A Boat : 48+ million views
5. Keri Hilson - Knock You Down : 35+ million views
That should keep you occupied espcially if you are a Miley Cyrus fan! :S
(References : What you watched and searched for on YouTube 2009, http://http// & Social Media Statistics,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pro's of Youtube
Hey guys, today's post will be about the pros of "Youtube". Youtube is joining a race to get the highest level of viewers to be provide the best services for the public media. I have done a few research in a couple of websites and most of it stated the similar comments about the pros and cons of Youtube.
The Pros
1. Using Youtube is a cheap and easy way to reach the media. Youtube always provide the latest video and they have so many different varieties for the viewers. Not only they can view music videos, they can also view other videos such as celebrity news, documentaries, advertisements and so much more.
2. Another pros that is supported by most of the website i went to was it promotes awareness. Whenever there is anything that is the talk-of-the-town, everyone can find it on Youtube. Surely someone will upload it to share it with the other users. One of the most recent video that i find it very interesting was the opening ceremony of the new tallest building in the world located in Dubai;Burj Khalifa.
3. Encourage learning. Youtube gives an opportunity to those people who cant afford to go classes. Like myself, i love how people are good at playing guitar but i could not afford to go to the classes because it is too expensive and even if i could, i wouldn't have the time to go because i have classes in college. What can i do? i can learn from Youtube. There are so many tutorial about instruments, cooking, singing, dancing and so much more. Just name it, you can find it in there. For people like me out there, i find it really really helpful.
Do u guys think that this is interesting? drop your comments. If u guys love it, my next post will be about the cons of Youtube. Stay tune if u want to know. :)
Chee Keat :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Parent's issue on youtube!
Hey everyone, today my post is going to be about what our parents think about us using Youtube. As much as it has been said that youtube is popular amongst everyone.... young and old, Youtube is mostly used by youngsters and sometimes missused by them too.
Based on several articles that i have read, parents are most worried about the adult content on Youtube. Youtube however was not created to promoste adult movies or even encourage users to upload them, but there are still people out there who will. Teenagers that aren't aware of consequences would upload unappropriate videos of sometimes themselves or others.
Now, Youtube has done its best to limit those videos to 18 and above and to allow users to flag them as inappropriate. The solution that most of these articles came up with was for the parents to have a casual talk about the negative sides of youtube. Parents should not stop them from using Youtube for there are many educational aspects of it.
Parents should speak to their underaged children of how Youtube should not be used to view adult content and to not lie about their age when registering. So guys, do you'll think that by talking to their children, parents can get them to stop missusing youtube?...
If not what would be the best way for parents to make their children understand about the bad aspects of youtube?.... Looking forward to your views and comments! till then Byee =)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hello and welcome to our humble little blog entitled social media buzz! When i said our, i was referring to Asha, Chee Kiat and yours truely Preya. This blog is actually a part of our assignment, for us, Mass Communication students from Inti College Subang Jaya. In the coming 10 weeks, each of us will take turns tackling issues regarding social media sites! =D